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Ahimsa Yoga classes in Sooke BC Vancouver Island
Ahimsa Yoga classes in Sooke BC, Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada (7724 clicks)

The CAAS publication Society and Science will be posting some of the recent articles obtained from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world's most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, and other critical science issues facing today's society. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab's scientific expertise has been recognized with 12 Nobel prizes. (2217 clicks)

Blue Lantern Communications
Bringing your ideas into the light and making them shine! Blue Lantern Communications specializes in communicating science to diverse audiences. (3283 clicks)

The Telson Spur: A Way Station for Snark Hunters
The Telson Spur is a list of links, mainly to academic resources, organized on the theme of necessity vs. contingency in the study of time and evolution (a theme adumbrated in the old debate on the Plurality of Worlds, now the SETI Debate, perhaps first clearly adumbrated in 1788 in Kant's "Critique of Practical Reason," and always implicit in the more recent discussions on the Epic of Evolution). (4839 clicks)

Quality Analysis Consultants
Quality Analysis Consultants provide training workshops, technical and management system audits and consulting services to a wide range of laboratories around the world. (2853 clicks)

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