GUNCLUB Labradors GUNCLUB Labradors, an organization who will teach you how to train and work with your dog to any level you wish, with simple, usable tools and proven results. Results are guaranteed. (3795 clicks)
Winky Scoop Unique, sanitary pooper scooper. Compact, lightweight, effortless operation. Leaves no residue on pavement, grass, dirt, floors, carpet, or the Winky Scoop itself. (4123 clicks)
CoDog - Coherent Dog Home; Diabetic Dog! Dogs as Family; dog behavior and training, caring for a diabetic dog. Lots of photos, drawings and diagrams to assist with painless injections of insulin, testing blood glucose levels, engaging your dog's cooperation. Extensive articles on dog body language and communication between humans and dogs (4942 clicks)
Welcome to Gurupets is a petsite where you can ceate pets, feed them, change their colour with special items, have a store, buy from stores and other such things. Gurupets does not use any real currencies but it has it's own currency called GuruPoints. This is just a small fraction of what gurupets has to offer. (3875 clicks)
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