Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

The policies outlined below deal only with the use of customer and related information. You might also want to view our Terms of Service.

In compliance with the Canadian government's Privacy Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and British Columbia's Personal Information Privacy Act, this policy sets out the information required from customers by, why it is required, and how such information is dealt with while the customer continues to do business with Islandnet and afterward.
No Third Parties How customer information is dealt with when Islandnet deals with third parties.
Required Information What information is required from customers by Islandnet in the course of conducting its business and what is done with the information.
Old Customer Information What happens to customer information once customers terminate their Islandnet account.
Contests and Customer Surveys What happens with information gathered during contests and surveys.
Customer Internet Use How Islandnet treats information related to general and specific customer Internet use.
Customer Internet Files How customer files are dealt with while a customer uses Islandnet services, when the customer account has been suspended, and when the customer's account has been terminated.
Privacy Officer How to contact Islandnet's Privacy Officer to make a request or lodge a complaint.
Updating Customer Information How customers can update the information kept by Islandnet.
Credit Rating Information How Islandnet deals with customer credit rating information and how Islandnet reports to credit rating agencies.
Disposal of Customer Information What Islandnet does when disposing of customer information.

No Third Parties:

With the following exceptions, Islandnet does not share customer information of any kind in any manner whatsoever with third parties:
  1. Where required by court order and / or by authorities having legal jurisdiction over matters concerning customer information,
  2. When it is necessary to involve third parties for the installation of Internet-related equipment and / or software,
  3. If a customer fails to pay their invoice for more than 150 days and Islandnet contracts a debt collection company to recover fees owed Islandnet, relevant customer information will be forwarded to the collection company so that they may pursue payment,
  4. In the normal course of conducting its business Islandnet contracts companies to perform accounting or other administrative work directly related to its operations and the contractor reviews financial and administrative documents as part of its duties, and;
  5. When, in the reasonable estimation of Islandnet, the release of such information to appropriate authorities would likely prevent imminent physical harm to a customer or other person.

Required Information:

The following information is required from customers. The corresponding use of each piece of information appears to the right. Required information is indicated in red. Orange text indicates the information may be required under certain circumstances. Black text indicates optional information or information that is not recorded by Islandnet.
1. Name Used to address and identify the customer or the customer contact in internal correspondence and correspondence with the customer.
2. Address Used to address customer correspondence. This information may also be used to identify geographic areas where groups of customers live for the purpose of providing better service and in analysing the delivery of services.
3. Telephone Number Used to contact the customer in the event e-mail correspondence is unsuccessful. Contact with the customer normally involves issues relating to invoices and other payment matters but Islandnet may make contact via telephone for other matters it deems appropriate. Such matters do not include telephone solicitation and / or asking for financial information. If you or someone you know recieves a telephone call from someone purporting to be from Islandnet asking for financial information such as bank account numbers or credit card numbers, please call 778-410-2454 (Victoria) 855-813-6057 (Toll free Can/USA) immediately and inform us.
4. Fax Number This optional information may be used to contact the customer for invoice, payment issues, and other matters Islandnet deems appropriate.
5. E-mail Address This information is used by Islandnet as the primary means of correspondence. Correspondence may include monthly newsletters, service bulletins, invoices, statements, and other e-mail correspondence Islandnet deems appropriate and necessary.
6. Company Name This optional information is used for internal correspondence and correspondence with the customer. It also allows Islandnet to invoice customers using their business name, thereby ensuring customers can claim the service fee as a deduction for their income taxes.
7. Username This information identifies the customer to the various Islandnet computer systems. The information may be used by Islandnet in analysing customer information, such as how many customers use various service packages.
8. Password

Except where the customer has engaged Islandnet to perform web development, programming, or other Internet-related work, this information is not used by Islandnet. Islandnet does not keep record of customer passwords. Passwords can only be made known to Islandnet or its employees if the customer relays the information to them.

If you or someone you know recieves a telephone call from someone purporting to be from Islandnet asking for password information, please call 778-410-2454 (Victoria) or 855-813-6057 (Toll free Can/USA) immediately and inform us. Passwords may be changed online using an Islandnet website.

9. Credit Card Information Credit card information is used only for billing purposes and is used only in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in writing on the form filled out and signed by the customer.
10. Bank Account Information Bank account information is used only for billing purposes and is used only in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in writing on the form filled out and signed by the customer.
11. Other Information Islandnet may require additional information from time to time in order to conduct its business with customers. For example, while Islandnet conducts a survey, it may be necessary to obtain specific information about customer Internet use and preferences. Such information shall be kept by Islandnet for as long as it deems necessary for its own internal use.

Old Customer Information:

Once a customer has closed their account, Islandnet maintains customer records for a period no less than 30 days and no more than 180 days. Customer records may include all customer and financial information and files stored on Islandnet's computer systems. The same "Third Party" policy that applies to current customer information, applies to customers who have closed their accounts. Please see "No Third Parties" above.

Contests & Customer Surveys:

Islandnet will use contest and customer survey information as outlined in the particular contest or survey rules and regulations. Generally, contest and survey information is used to contact contest winners and / or survey participants as necessary to conduct the contest and / or survey. Islandnet may also use contest and survey information for the purpose of analysing customer information and shaping current and potential product and service offerings. Where this policy conflicts with the rules and regulations of a particular contest or survey, the rules and regulations of the contest or survey in question shall prevail.

Customer Internet Use:

Islandnet does not monitor or censor customer "surfing" or e-mail traffic. However, Islandnet tracks customer use statistics as they relate to equipment usage, bandwidth, and overall trends. Such information is used to configure and maintain current equipment and software, determine future equipment and software needs, and for billing customers.

Islandnet monitors customer usage statistics to determine whether customer resource use complies with the limits of service packages. Where customer use of particular resources exceed the guidelines relating to a customer's service package, Islandnet may contact the customer to request a reduction of the customer's use of such resources or to allow the customer to move to an appropriate service level.
Where required by court order and / or by authorities having legal jurisdiction over matters concerning Internet communication, Islandnet may monitor customer Internet activity.

Customer Internet Files:

Customer files stored on Islandnet's computer systems--including website and e-mail files--are the property of the customer. However, if a customer fails to make payment for service and continues to do so after being notified of their failure to make payment, Islandnet may suspend the customer's access to the customer's files for as long as the customer does not pay for services rendered. Moreover, Islandnet reserves the right to delete the customer's files if the customer refuses to pay for services rendered and after a customer has terminated their account with Islandnet or Islandnet has terminated the customer's account.

Except where specifically asked to do so by the customer, Islandnet does not alter or otherwise manipulate or access customer Internet files.

Where required by court order and / or by authorities having legal jurisdiction over matters concerning Internet communication and storage of Internet and / or computer files, Islandnet may access customer Internet files.

Privacy Officer:

Customers may request a copy of any information kept about them by Islandnet by contacting Islandnet's Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer may be contacted using the following information:
  • Privacy Officer
    #101-777 Goldstream Avenue
    Victoria, BC
    V9B 2X4
  • Local telephone/fax: 778-410-2454 (Victoria)
  • Toll-free: 855-813-6057 (Toll free Can/USA)

Updating Customer Information:

Customers may update their personal information, such as telephone number, street address, e-mail address, et cetera at any time by using the online facilities provided on Islandnet's websites. For information on how to access online facilities to change your personal information, please call 250.410.2454 or +1.855.813.6057 or e-mail

To change other information, customers may contact the Privacy Officer and make a request.

Credit Rating Information :

Credit rating information gathered in connection with a customer's application for service or other financing related application is used solely for the purpose of determining the customer's creditworthiness for the application in question and for no other purpose. Credit rating information is shared internally only and only with those people directly responsible for approving service, credit, and similar applications. Such credit rating information may be stored by Islandnet for as long as is the practice for storing customer information in general.

Where a prospective customer is declined for service, credit rating information is not retained by Islandnet and is destroyed in a secure manner.

Where customers do not pay or contest invoices within 150 days of Islandnet mailing or otherwise transmitting an invoice to the customer, Islandnet reserve the right to share information about the customer's payment practices with an appropriate credit reporting agency and to have such information become a permanent part of the customer's credit rating.

Disposal of Customer Information :

When Islandnet disposes of customer information, all reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information cannot be retrieved, restored, or reconstituted in any way. Generally, "hard" (paper) documents are shredded and digital medium containing customer information is disposed of securely.