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Top > Spirituality > Organizations

Christ Church Cathedral,Victoria
The Website of Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, B.C., Come and See Us! (9680 clicks)

Jonats 4 Africa - Missionaries to Malawi
Reverend Wes and Lorrie Jonat along with their twin daughters, Tembi and Karis - ACOP missionaries in Lilongwe, Malawi. (3450 clicks)

Hope Of The Bible - What the Bible has to say about your future
Hope Of The Bible - What the Bible has to say about your future (2674 clicks)

Corpus Canada
Corpus Canada is an organization devoted to renewal of ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, supporting the ordination of married people and women, and ministry to those who have been marginalized in the life of the Church. Corpus Canada also offers support and fellowship to married Roman Catholic priests and their families. (3372 clicks)

Iyengar Yoga Association of Canada
Iyengar Yoga Association of Canada (5395 clicks)

The Royal Canadian College of Organists, Victoria Centre
Founded in 1909, the RCCO is Canada's oldest musicians' association. It is an interdenominational community of professional and amateur organists, choral conductors and others which works to promote a high standard of church music. See our listings of organ and choral events. (6191 clicks)

Bible History
Bible History (2535 clicks)

Cybersalt Communications Ministry
Cybersalt Communications seeks to be a positive Christian influence on the Internet. (4517 clicks)

Westsong Community Church
A new church in the West Shore designed with the unchurched (or those who have given up on church) in mind. Contemporary music, relevant teaching, spiritual renewal. (5868 clicks)

Vancouver Island Bible Camp
Vancouver Island Bible Camp (2712 clicks)

Victoria Prayer Counselling
VPC is a Christian, nondenominational ministry of prayer counselling, primarily for those who have suffered from spiritual, physical and emotional trauma. This ministry is based on the power and working of the Holy Spirit, not solely on the skills of the counsellors. All ministry is grounded firmly on scriptural principles. The counsellors at VPC draw from their personal healing experiences with God. They believe that they have been called by the Lord to pray into the hurts of peoples' lives. (3965 clicks)

Grace Connection Canada
Grace Connection Canada (2361 clicks)

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