Are you or your teen anxious or worried about being back at school? Many teens have struggled with some or all of their subjects since they first started at school. This could be the cause of their upset. Some of them think they are the only one who goes through what they do. Some begin to become jaded and decide not to bother trying any more.
One of the failings of our school system is that we still expect all of the students to learn from the same teacher teaching their subject one way. We don’t all learn the same way, we have different learning styles. All students need the material presented to them using a teaching style that matches their learning style.
It is possible for any of us to learn anything we want to. All we need is determination, and a teaching method we can work with. If they are still open to learning, our teens can improve their grades and their feelings around school if their learning needs are met. (2378 clicks)
Punctips Home Page The English language has been derived from many languages which have never been returned to their source. Through the Middle Ages it had numerous changes due to the fact that people stayed very close to the place where they were born. Hence we have many dialects that grew up in the English countryside together with their own words and sayings. As these people were short in literacy, in both reading and the written word, writing and spelling tended to be phonic. They were lazy in the spoken word, almost a form of spoken shorthand, as an example:
Today we would ask, "May I ask where you are going to?" The question would have been. "Where be to?"
This shorthand speech can still be found in Newfoundland and the Southwest of England. The New England States of America have traces of Elizabethan English and pronunciation of that time. The same can be said of the French spoken in the province of Quebec as being of a strong Breton origin.
This section will give you a cross-section of words that are quite often mispronounced in today's speech (845 clicks)
Impact Business Network Ltd. Under the leadership of Sandra Birrell and Landon Schmidt, Impact's commitment is building business and project management success with proven IT, PMP, and educational consultants. (5477 clicks)
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