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Elvis Orbit
Elvis Orbit's life on Second life! Have a look what he is up to! Also visit his Club, Club Victoria! (3861 clicks)

Coast Salish Journey: Art of Herb Rice, Wood Carver, Cowichan Bay BC, Canada
Custom designed and carved wooden doors, totems, speakers staffs, business logo's, panels, cd games, coloring books, stencils , T-shirts and much more. (4035 clicks)

Comedy Magic with John
Comedy Magic with John (2665 clicks)

Rules for 'dimensionalized chess', '3-D chess' or '3D Chess' -how to build yours for Free
In 10 minutes learn how to play and build your Free 3D Chess game with the rules for 'CHESS - THE NEXT GENERATION'. (to do so you need to have 2 boards and your own chess pieces) (4299 clicks)

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