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Will It Blender?
A site for Blender fans wondering if a particular tutorial will work in Blender... (2056 clicks)

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Reel Radicals Productions
Reel Radicals Productions is an independent film production company based in Victoria, BC. (4823 clicks)

Hijacked Future
It’s 7 am: Do you know where your toast came from? Eating breakfast toast: a simple ritual to start the day. The bread probably came from a bakery or grocery store, but beyond that who knows where the wheat came from – never mind the seeds that grew the wheat. Do we need to know? A new documentary, “Hijacked Future” says yes, because those seeds that became the toast you ate this morning are being hijacked - right into a looming world food security catastrophe. Catastrophe? Wait a minute. We see plenty of food on our supermarket shelves. Is our food security really at risk – or is this just scare mongering from the fringe? While our industrial system of agriculture is providing abundance and variety today, this Global Currents documentary warns us that it’s an unsustainable system that will not be able to nourish and provide for us and our grandchildren in the future. It’s a system that literally runs on oil, from fertilizers and pesticides, to the trucks and planes that transport food. And the source of our food – seeds – is being hijacked by a handful of corporations from the farmers who have for millennia, grown and saved them. But why should we care about a farmer’s seeds? Aren’t companies developing new seeds all the time? They are -- and that’s part of the problem -- because who controls the seeds, controls our food. More and more, that control is in the hands of a few multinational corporations whose bottom line is profit for their shareholders not necessarily an abundance of healthy food. Should anybody, the film asks, own seeds? “Hijacked Future” takes us from the grain fields of Saskatchewan, to farmers and seed banks in Ethiopia, to north of the Arctic Circle in Norway, where the “Doomsday” vault is being built to stockpile seeds in the event of a global crisis. The documentary looks at the increasingly fragile base of our North American industrial food system in order to bring all of us consumers of food to a better understanding of just what’s at stake with our daily bread. It asks us to question the wisdom of a system precariously based on oil and corporate seeds while we’re at the same time witnessing the impact of climate change. As the film says, “It all starts with the seed, and the stakes are high… because who controls the seed, controls the food… Who will control the seeds we plant, and the food we put on our tables?” Will our future be…Hijacked? (3019 clicks)

ALICE TV show retrospective containing information, news, pictures, sounds, dvd information, desktop wallpaper and more. (4245 clicks)

West Coast Screenwriting
Do you want to see your name in lights? Do you ever fantasize about holding up a little bronze statue and saying "I'd like to thank..."? While we can't guarantee fame and fortune will be the result of this screenwriting workshop for teens and adults, we can guarentee 5 full days to focus on the development of your screenplay writing and marketing skills. The course is taught by locals Keith Digby & Brian Paisley, both who have feature lenght films in production this year. (4569 clicks)

Luna Seven Imagery - 3d illustration and animation
Luna Seven Imagery, creators of 3dillustration and animation. (5421 clicks)

Asterisk Productions
Documentary film and video production, and production services (3379 clicks)

Lee Gabel - 3d visual effects animation
I am an independent 3d visual effects animator in Victoria, BC, Canada. (5958 clicks)

Fire Videos by Alan Simmons - LAFD FDNY and more!
Fire Videos - The best of Alan Simmons Fire Videos. Firestorm, FDNY, Rescue 3, LAFD and more (4157 clicks)

Doctor Who Chronology
A comprehensive timeline of the universe as shown on the "Doctor Who" television series. (3567 clicks)

FrankenScript :: Lee Gabel
An online screenwriting journal for Lee Gabel (4750 clicks)

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