Grant Smalley's Pipe Organs Grant has had a passion for the Pipe Organ from an early age. Born in Sidney, BC, he was a choir boy at St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Victoria. The sound of the organ fascinated him and he was determined to understand how it worked. After high school he was able to obtain a job with Hugo Spilker, the local organ builder. They serviced instruments with a variety actions and all manner of pipework, some quite historic. After two years, Grant went to work with Gabriel Kney in London, Ontario. The firm built new, mechanical action organs for markets in Canada and throughout the United States.
Returning to Victoria, Grant again worked with Hugo Spilker and gradually bought out his business. Most of the pipe organs on Vancouver Island have been under his care since 1984. His wife, Bev, works with him and manages the office.
We have designed and built two Continuo chest organs, small new 2 manual and pedal church organs and several 2, 3 and 4 manuals consoles. Rebuilds and additions to local instruments have been undertaken as well as restorations of historic tracker organs. (1851 clicks)
CAAS/ACAS - Home The CAAS publication Society and Science will be posting some of the recent articles obtained from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world's most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, and other critical science issues facing today's society.
Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab's scientific expertise has been recognized with 12 Nobel prizes. (2217 clicks)
Quality Analysis Consultants Quality Analysis Consultants
provide training workshops, technical and management system audits and consulting services to a wide range of laboratories around the world. (2853 clicks)
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