| The Telson Spur: A Way Station for Snark Hunters The Telson Spur is a list of links, mainly to academic resources, organized on the theme of necessity vs. contingency in the study of time and evolution (a theme adumbrated in the old debate on the Plurality of Worlds, now the SETI Debate, perhaps first clearly adumbrated in 1788 in Kant's "Critique of Practical Reason," and always implicit in the more recent discussions on the Epic of Evolution). http://snark.org (4888 clicks)
 | Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition The Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition (VIHRC) is a non-profit community organization governed by a volunteer Coordinating Collective (Coord). Our mission is to promote and strengthen local human rights in BC through advocacy, research, education and by connecting people with resources through referrals. http://vihrc.org (2526 clicks)
 | Victoria Prayer Counselling VPC is a Christian, nondenominational ministry of prayer counselling, primarily for those who have suffered from spiritual, physical and emotional trauma. This ministry is based on the power and working of the Holy Spirit, not solely on the skills of the counsellors. All ministry is grounded firmly on scriptural principles. The counsellors at VPC draw from their personal healing experiences with God. They believe that they have been called by the Lord to pray into the hurts of peoples' lives. http://victoriaprayercounselling.ca/VPCmain.html (4014 clicks)
 | Recovery Counselling John Simpson Addictions, depression and anxiety counselling practice in Victoria BC.All of the following can be helped and improved through counselling: panic attacks, low self-esteem & confidence, phobias & fears, motivation & procrastination, loneliness, life transitions, parent-child conflict, workplace stress, shyness,grief & loss.
With you on your road to recovery. John Simpson http://johnsimpson.ca/counselling (2530 clicks)
 | VIPIRG | Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group The Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, education, advocacy, and action in the public interest. Located in the Student Union Building of the University of Victoria, VIPIRG is the ideal place for students and volunteers who wish to work on social justice or environmental issues on campus, or at the community level. http://vipirg.ca (5945 clicks)
 | Reflective Presence - Donna Martin - Marlena Field Reflective Practice involves mindful awareness of one's present experience – both while it is happening and after the experience. The purpose of reflective practice is a greater capacity for
responding rather than reacting
making healthier choices
decreasing automaticity
being more attuned to one's own needs and to the needs of others.
Reflective Practice has been shown to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being as well as the capacity for empathy, compassion, and healthy relationships with others. Being reflective allows one to be more attuned to oneself, and therefore, more attuned to others http://reflectivepresence.com (2673 clicks)
 | Westsong Community Church A new church in the West Shore designed with the unchurched (or those who have given up on church) in mind. Contemporary music, relevant teaching, spiritual renewal. http://westsong.ca (5918 clicks)
This is a directory of web sites that are hosted on Islandnet.com The sites listed here represent only a fraction of the thousands of domains and web sites that we host.