Backup Policies
For support call:     778-410-2454

Backup Policies

We do various types of backups:

  • Every day a snapshot of your entire file area is copied to a backup file server. Older versions of individual files that have changed since the previous snapshot are copied to an archive and kept for at least 30 days. This means you can access and restore any version of any file from any snapshot during the past month. This is done via our web based file manager.
  • Every e-mail message that arrives is copied to an archive and kept for at least 30 days. This includes messages that you may have filtered out as spam. It does NOT include mail that is forwarded off-site via a map file. To enable or disable e-mail archiving, or to view or restore messages, use our e-mail archive manager.
  • Every night each SQL database server makes a copy of every customer database. These "dump files" are in turn copied to a backup server and kept for at least 30 days. This means you can restore any database back to any given day in the past month.
  • Customers can get a copy of their file area and/or databases burned to a CD or DVD for $30.
  • Every server on our network makes daily backups of all critical system data.