Speed up Wordpress and dont tax your host | Islandnet Blog
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Speed up Wordpress and dont tax your host

If your finding your website is running slow it could be that wp-cron is running on every page load, to avoid this which also causes considerable server load as it runs in every page load you can do this:

1. Edit the wp-config.php and add:

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

2. If your an islandnet.com customer you can then using the Cron Job editor at https://hd.islandnet.com/cron-jobs add a CRON entry to run on a set schedule:


I added * in all entries except for the Min section where I would choose a number, I chose 30 as my site is busy and I need it to run every 30 minutes.

If your not an Islandnet.com customer then ask your host if they have a way to schedule CRON jobs, any good host should allow this.

Your host will be happy to see your doing this and your site will load faster.