Malware Scanner
For support call:     778-410-2454

Malware Scanner developed a Malware Scanner to scan either individual accounts or periodically our entire account space alerting us to compromised web hosting accounts, as we learn of new vunerabilities we can add to this scanner and pro-actively be on the lookout and protect you.

If we find a compromised website we will remove the compromised files/code, alert the customer of the issue and we can even be hired to find how the site was compromised and either fix or advise on how to resolve the issue, we can update plugins or versions of Content Management Systems (CMS) that may be installed as well.

It is important for people using a CMS that they stay up to date with plugins and versions of the CMS, any website written using script languages like Python, Perl, PHP not open holes to allow injections or other means of access and that passwords be a mix of letters, numbers and puntuation marks and that it be a minimum of 8 characters but preferably longer.