How do I display my Email headers?
For support call:     778-410-2454

How do I display my Email headers?'s technical support may request email headers to diagnose email support questions.  

Each email program a different method to display email headers.
Find your email program on the list below for more information.

What is a full header and why is it useful?

Email headers allow one to track where on the Internet an email originated.  
Because it is easy to forge an email address, it is important to use headers to determine the "true" point of origination of an email.
What does a full header look like?

-----------------Example Header-----------------
Delivery-date: Fri, 23 May 1997 20:55:53 +0100
Received: from [] by
        with esmtp (Exim 1.60 #1)
        id 0wV0RN-0006W3-00; Fri, 23 May 1997 20:55:53 +0100
Received: from (actually host MAIL.CMSCOMMUNICATION.COM)
        by with ESMTP; Fri, 23 May 1997 20:55:47 +0100
Received: from [] ([]) by
        (Post.Office MTA v3.0 release
        0122 ID# 0-34465U2500L250S0) with SMTP id ADL167; Fri, 23 May 1997
        12:23:39 -0400
Received: from by (8.8.5/8.6.5)
        with SMTP id RAA09362 for ; Fri, 23 May 1997 08:53:48
        -0600 (EST)
Date: Fri, 23 May 97 08:53:48 EST
Subject: NEW! 600K Hot List... No AOL
Comments: Authenticated sender is
---------------End Example Header---------------

What does a full header NOT look like?

------------Example Incomplete Header------------
Date: Fri, 23 May 97 08:53:48 EST
Subject: NEW! 600K Hot List... No AOL
----------End Example Incomplete Header----------

How do I get my email client to display headers?

Find your email program below and follow the istruction to get the email headers... Webmail

  1. Open the email
  2. Action Menu
  3. View Raw Message

You can use the Send >Bounce (Redirect) option to bounce the entire message including the headers onto a new address.

If receives a phishing scam to one of our mailboxes we use this method to pass mail onto

Netscape 4.x for PC / MAC:

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Double-click on the mail message to open it.
   3. Click on the "View" option on the main toolbar, then select "Header," and then "Full."

Netscape 3.x for PC / MAC:

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Click on the "Options" option in the main toolbar, then select "Show Headers," and then the "All."

Microsoft Outlook for Windows

   1. Open the mail message.
   2. In Outlook 98, 2000, 2002, and 2003, from the View menu, select Options..

      In Outlook 97, at the top of the message, click the Options tab
   3. The message headers are at the bottom of the window, in a box labeled "Headers:"

Microsoft Outlook Express for PC

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Click on the "File" menu and select "Properties".
   3. Click on the "Details" tab on the top of the window.

Microsoft Windows Mail

   1. Right-click the email in question is the list of emails and either
   2. Forward as attachment,  this sends the whole email including headers to whomever you address it to.
   3. Select Properties, click on the Details Tab and Right click on the email header info and left click select all and then right click and select copy,  you can now create an email and right click in its body and pase the content there-in.
Eudora Light / Pro 3.x for PC

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Double-click on the message to open it.
   3. Find the message button bar.  This is not the main toolbar, but the button bar immediately above the message text pane of the message viewer.
   4. Click on the "Blah Blah Blah" button on this toolbar.

Microsoft Outlook Express for MAC:

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Click on the "View" option on the main toolbar.
   3. Select the "Show Internet Headers" option.

Microsoft Mail and News for MAC:

   1. Click on "Edit" on the main toolbar.
   2. Select "Preferences."
   3. Click on the "Display" option on the left-hand pane of the "Preferences" menu.
   4. Click on the checkbox next to "Show message headers in message windows."

Eudora Light 3.x for MAC:

   1. Select the message in question.
   2. Double-click on the message to open it.
   3. Find  the message button bar.  This is not the main toolbar, but the button bar immediately above the message text pane of the message viewer.
   4. Click on the "Blah Blah Blah" button on this toolbar.

Pegasus Mail 2.x for MAC:

   1. Click on "File" on the main toolbar.
   2. Select "Preferences," and the sub option "General Preferences."
   3. Click on the checkbox "Show all headers when reading messages."


   1. Enable the full header command. (NOTE: This step only needs to be done once. The change is permanent.)
         1. Type 's' for Setup
         2. Type 'c' for Config.
         3. Scroll down the list of features until you find enable-full-header-cmd, and type 'x' until you see an 'X' in the checkbox.
         4. Type 'e' to Exit.
         5. Answer with yes (by hitting 'y') when it asks you to replace settings.
   2. Select the message in question.
   3. Press the [Enter] key to view it.
   4. Press 'h' to display the full header.

Please call Technical Support on 1-800-331-3055 if your mail program is not listed,  the date and time of an imcomming email may allow Technical support to retrieve the headers from the email archive providing this is enabled in your account.