PEP: Commands
Commands are not rules: they don't test the current message in any way. Instead they control various settings and affect how PEP processes your mailrule file.
o This command takes three parameters. The first is the name of the file you wish to cycle, the second is the maximum size it may grow to before it is cycled, and the third is the number of copies to keep.
This example means that once the "pep.log" file exceeds 5,000,000 bytes in size, it should be cycled, and up to 3 copies of older files should be kept. So "pep.log" will be renamed to "pep.log.1", while the former "pep.log.1" will become "pep.log.2", and the former "pep.log.2" will become "pep.log.3". Any former "pep.log.3" file is simply deleted.
cycle pep.log 5000000 3 |
enable replycache disable replycache |
This example deletes any mail that comes from an apparent dialup pool:
resolve delete if hostname matches *.dialup.* |
You must specify both dates and the must be separated with a space. Each date must use the YYYY-MM-DD format (A four digit year, a dash, a two digit month, a dash, and a two digit day). Months and days less than 10 must start with a zero. Do not insert any spaces within each date.
This example sends a vacation notice, but only between August 15th and September 5th:
daterange 2002-08-15 2002-09-05 keep if * matches * with "vacation.txt" daterange |
The timeframe value is a string containing day indicators (Su = Sunday, Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday, Sa = Saturday, Wk = Weekdays Monday through Friday, and Al = All days) and hour ranges (24 hour format with hours and minutes but no colon).
If you specify only an hour range and no day indicators, then it is assumed to apply to all days of the week. You cannot specify day indicators without a time range. If you specify no time frame at all, it is the same as "Al 0000-2359" (ie: any day, any time).
This example forwards all mail to, but only on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday, all day):
timeframe SaSu - forward if * matches * to timeframe |
This example sends a page, but only between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays, and 10:00am and 3:00pm on Saturdays:
timeframe Wk 0900-1700, Sa 1000-1500 page if * matches * to "RADIOWORKS-12345" timeframe |
A message is appended to your mailbox on the first matching rule that would normally "keep" the message. A subsequent matching "delete" rule cannot undo this. Multiple matching "keep" rules will not result in multiple kept copies however. If none of the matching rules keep the message, it is deleted.
MULTIMATCH is disabled by default.
NOTE: multimatch is always turned off during the inclusion of global rule files.