PEP: MailingList Ruleset
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PEP: MailingList Ruleset

This is the set of PEP rules that implements a mailing list as explained on the mailing list page. Note that you do NOT need to copy any of these rules into your own mailrule file, follow the instructions on the mailing list page instead. These are provided here as a reference, and for those that may wish to customize the rules.

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# PEP Based Mailing List
# By Mark Morley
# September, 2006
# --------------------------------------------------------------

# --[ DISPATCH HANDLER ]----------------------------------------

jump if x-envelope-to,envelope-to is {ListName}@{DomainName} to post
jump if x-envelope-to,envelope-to matches {ListName}-subscribe*@{DomainName} to subscribe
jump if x-envelope-to,envelope-to is {ListName}-unsubscribe@{DomainName} to unsubscribe
jump if true to end

# --[ POST HANDLER ]--------------------------------------------

# If there is already a List-Post header, then it's the copy that came from
# the distribution (ie: not the original).  Do we want to keep a copy or
# delete it?
jump if list-post is not  to skip
keep if KeepCopy is yes

# The admin can always post
jump if returnaddress is {AdminAddress} to ok

# Anyone listed as a poster can always post
jump if returnaddress is in {ListName}.posters to ok

# If this is a oneway list, then nobody else can post
fail if ListType is oneway with "You are not allowed to post to this mailing list"

# Otherwise, members can post
jump if returnaddress is in {ListName}.members to ok

# If this is a closed list, non-members can't post
fail if ListType is closed with "You are not allowed to post to this mailing list"


# The sender is ok, so let's add some standard mailing list headers:
insert if true List-Owner 
insert if true List-Post 
insert if true List-Subscribe 

insert if true List-Unsubscribe 

# Add a tag to the subject if required
jump if subjecttag is none to skip
jump if subject contains {SubjectTag} to skip
strip if true subject
insert if true Subject "{SubjectTag} {subject}"

# Should replies go back to the list?  Replace the Reply-To header
jump if ReplyToList is no to @skip
strip if true reply-to
insert if true Reply-To {ListName}@{DomainName}

# And add a new TO: header that contains only the list address, since we
# have to have a To: field or it won't work
insert if true To {ListName}@{DomainName}

# Enable multimatch
enable multimatch

# Send it to the members 
distribute if true to {ListName}.members {ListName}-bounces@{DomainName}

# Archive it
jump if Archive does not match "www/*" to skip
mkdir if true "{Archive}"
save if true "{Archive}/{PEP_ID}.msg"

# All done!

# --[ SUBSCRIBE HANDLER ]---------------------------------------

# Do we allow unattended subscriptions?
fail if Subscribe is no with "Unattended subscriptions are currently disabled"

# Is the sender already subscribed?
fail if returnaddress is in {ListName}.members with "You are already subscribed to this list"

# If this is not a confirmation, send a confirmation request
jump if x-envelope-to,envelope-to regex "{ListName}-subscribe/(.+)@{DomainName}" to skip
append if true to temp/{ListName}.{PEP_ID}.pep with {returnaddress}
reply if true with {ListName}.confirm

# This is a confirmation, but is it one we're waiting for?
fail if returnaddress is not in temp/{ListName}.{RX1}.pep with "Please try subscribing again."

# It's good, subscribe the sender
unlink if true temp/{ListName}.{RX1}.pep
append if true to {ListName}.members {returnaddress}
append if true to {ListName}.log "{TimeStamp} [{IP}] {returnaddress} subscribed"
reply if true with {ListName}.subscribed

# All done!

# --[ UNSUBSCRIBE HANDLER ]-------------------------------------

# Is the sender subscribed?
fail if returnaddress is not in {ListName}.members with "{returnaddress} is not in my subscription list"

# Remove the sender
remove if true {ListName}.members {returnaddress}
append if true to {ListName}.log "{TimeStamp} [{IP}] {returnaddress} unsubscribed"
reply if true with {ListName}.unsubscribed

# All done!

# --[ END ]-----------------------------------------------------